Our Vision

Prosperous communities and well-being of people attributed to sustainable cultural heritage conservation and promotion in Tooro Kingdom


Mobilizing and supporting communities in Tooro Kingdom to harness development opportunities that comes with cultural heritage conservation and promotion through research, capacity building and Networking.

Program Objectives

To establish a one-stop cultural hub in Tooro Kingdom comprising of a museum and library, a 300-seat auditorium, shops for handicrafts and traditional clothing, a restaurant serving traditional food and having two conference halls, open space for outdoor cultural events, all with the purpose of influencing community learning, appreciating and taking part in heritage conservation, and program sustainability.

To mentor the youth to become advocates of their cultural values in communities they live through various educative and engagement strategies such as establishment of heritage clubs in educational systems in Tooro Kingdom.

Through cutting-edge platforms, to promote traditional knowledge and practices that reduce community conflicts that lead to today’s development challenges such as domestic violence, drugs and alcohol abuse among youth, prostitution which all lead to a lack of coexistence, social peace and development in Tooro Kingdom.

To establish connections between public and other private sector actors in support of heritage preservation and conservation for a greater impact through the development of synergies at the local, national, and global levels.

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